oracle portal fetch bug? or limitation

From: jm <>
Date: 5 Dec 2001 14:20:18 -0800
Message-ID: <>

I have a fetch statement. I hope this is enough of the code:


type cur_typ            is ref cursor; 
sql_stmt                varchar2(1000); 
c                       cur_typ; 



 open c for sql_stmt;


fetch c into name, race, sex, dob...up to the eleven on twelve it dies no matter what the data or column is;

if c%FOUND then
 htp.p('rows found: '||c%rowcount);
end if;

           exit when c%notfound;


        end loop; 


You must assume that I have done all the variable correctly even though they are not shown. It is mainly the fetch. This program works great until I add a twelfth variable to the fetch. It does not matter what the data is, null, or populated, but when I put any variable over eleven into the fetch I get an error. Of course, I cannot see the error, because it only said "not found."

Hope this made some sense. Received on Wed Dec 05 2001 - 23:20:18 CET

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