Re: what is the fastest way to update a big table (50000rows*20columns)(B

From: Stephan Langer(B <>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 13:42:04 +0100
Message-ID: <>


[Quoted] your update definitely doesn't use the primary key or any other index (unless you have defined an function index on trim(totid) on cs).

Try someting like
update cs set source=src where totid like tot || '%'; ...
or so

btw, why do you trim the primary key's? aren't they equal in both tables or not. If they are equal, compare without any truncation.


yilmaz schrieb:

> hi guys,
> i have a big problem in updating an oracle 8i 1.7 database table with
> more than 50000 rows and 20 columns. Last time a friend helped me with
> this for some extend. But the problem is It takes toooo long to update
> a single column.Let me expleain my problem: i have another table with
> approximately 17000 rows and 12 columns. The latter one holds newer
> data, and most of them have the same primary key as the previous one
> (16000). Now, i want to update the older table with newer data from
> the new table. I wrote a pl/sql procedure to achieve this task, but it
> takes too long ( nearly 12 hours) ,
> can you have a look at the below procedure and tell me what is wrong
> with it and where i am making mistake? CAn you suggest me a faster and
> more efficient way to do that?
> thanks alot for your help in advance.
> cheers :)
> my Pl/sql procedure :
> ********************
> declare
> cursor c1 is
> select c.totid,j.source from join j,cs c where j.source is not null
> and trim(j.totid)=trim(c.totid);
> --join is the new table (17700 rows)
> --cs id the older one (50300rows)
> tot cs.TOTID%type;--totid is the primary key for both tables
> src cs.source%type;--source is the column to be updated
> begin
> open c1;
> loop
> fetch c1 into tot,src;
> tot:=trim(tot);
> exit when c1%notfound;
> update cs set source=src where trim(totid)=tot;
> end loop;
> commit;
> close c1;
> end;

Mit freundlichen Gr$B|_(Ben

Stephan Langer,
Received on Wed Oct 31 2001 - 13:42:04 CET

Original text of this message