Why SQLJ cannot find error?

From: ftp <shyan_at_cse.cuhk.edu.hk>
Date: 10 Oct 2001 09:23:10 GMT
Message-ID: <9q141u$rid$1_at_eng-ser1.erg.cuhk.edu.hk>

I have tested the sample program, TestInstallSQLJChecker.sql

My connect.prpoerties is


If I run
sqlj TestInstallSQLJChecker.sql
There is no error!

However, if I run
sqlj -user=scott TestInstallSQLJChecker.sql The SQLJ checker can find the syntax error in my SQL statement.

Oarcle hoempage says that
"Online semantics-checking is enabled as soon as you specify a username for the translation-time database connection. You can specify the username either by uncommenting the sqlj.user line in the sqlj.properties file or by using the -user command-line option"

Why I still need to specify username in command even I have specified it in connect.properties ?

 -- Received on Wed Oct 10 2001 - 11:23:10 CEST

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