Re: new database with designer

From: Michiel <>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 23:26:35 +0200
Message-ID: <3af31f23$0$27216_at_reader4>

>can anyone help me, how to create with designer a new database ?
>The designer ask me for the repository, which i donĀ“t have.
>it must be possible, to craete a new database without a old one ?
>what is wrong ?

explain for 8.1.6(i), but common:
First things first:
After installing Oracle you shall create a database using the proper tools: On NT, this must be easy; just use the shortcuts given, but you don't want NT.
On Linux, you start X, you start $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbassist and create a database (or the scripts for it, which is better). Note from previous experience: set the rollback segment much less than the default of 512Mb.

Note: you create a (any) database without designer, just with the tools given with the installation-package provided with the Oracle Database.

-after running the create script (without X) you alter the maximum of cursors in:
$ORACLE_BASE/admin/$SID/pfile/init${SID}.ora: default (for 8.1.6(i)); it is better/neccessary to set the max_open_cursors to 400 and the processes to 100 for using designer -start the database (not knowing how?, reboot then)

now the part comes in for a proper setup for designer: first alter system users to set proper passwords: (connect via SQL as user system (with password 'manager')):\

>alter user system
>identified by your_choice1
>alter user sys
>identified by your_choice2

connect as user SYS now!
create the following roles (this is a copy I use, which can be used in SQL):

drop role des_owner_role

create role des_owner_role

grant alter session

, create session
, create table
, create view
, create any synonym
, create procedure
, create sequence
, create role
, create trigger
, create cluster
, create database link
, create snapshot
, create public synonym
, drop public synonym
, drop any synonym

  to des_owner_role

drop role app_owner_role

create role app_owner_role

grant create cluster,
      create procedure,
      create role,
      create session,
      alter  session,
      create sequence,
      create snapshot,
      create synonym,
      create table,
      create trigger,
      create user,
      create view

to app_owner_role

drop role des_user_role

create role des_user_role

grant create cluster,
      create database link,
      create procedure,
      create role,
      drop any role,
      grant any role,
      create session,
      alter  session,
      create sequence,
      create snapshot,
      create synonym,
      create table,
      create any trigger,
      create user,
      create view

to des_user_role

grant select on sys.dba_roles to des_user_role

grant select on sys.dba_role_privs to des_user_role

grant select on sys.dba_sys_privs to des_user_role

grant select on sys.dba_rollback_segs to des_user_role

grant select on sys.dba_segments to des_user_role
create users (also a copy):

create user des_owner
identified by your_choice3
default tablespace users
temporary tablespace temp
quota unlimited on users

grant des_owner_role to des_owner
grant execute on dbms_pipe to des_owner
grant execute on dbms_lock to des_owner
create user app_owner identified by your_choice4 default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp quota unlimited on users
grant app_owner_role to app_owner
grant connect,resource to app_owner
create user designer_user identified by your_choice5 default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp quota unlimited on users
grant des_user_role to designer_user
create user database_user identified by your_choice_choice6 default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp quota unlimited on users
grant connect,resource to database_user
-- Now you can create a reposiroty... Start the repository administration utility, connect as the designer owner (des_owner user). Install a repository. This will take long (about 30 minutes). Note: there can be only one repository per database! Note: On 8.1.6R2 a possible crash is likelly. When done, go to the user managing section (in the repository administration utility) and make the des_owner & app_owner 'repository managers' (press reconcile). When done, add the designer_user to the users and press reconcile. -- Now, you have a fully functional repository, with a designer user. Create applications using the app_owner, and grant access to designer_user(s) using the Repository Object Navigator (also as user app_owner). In the future connect as user designer_user for development. note: Although a database can have only one repository, it can have several applications. I suggest that you use one designer_user per database, and per appl. system a seperate database user to perform what you want (thus: per appl. a seperate database_user with connect and resource rights). Note: This is a copy from my companys' default setup, it should be sufficient. success! greetz, Michiel
Received on Fri May 04 2001 - 23:26:35 CEST

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