Re: How to create Stored Procedure to return rows

From: <>
Date: 26 Mar 2001 14:15:26 GMT
Message-ID: <99nitu$d29$>

In article <>, Bill <> writes:
>Dear All,
>I'm a newbie in Oracle and want to create a stored procedure to return rows
>just as "Select * from equipment".
>Could anyone kindly give me the sample script or for it?
>Do I need to use PL/SQL and PACKAGE?
Any time you talk about database stored code you are talking about pl/sql or java. A stored procedure using scalar out or in/out variables can return only one row at a time. To return a complete row set requires the use of a reference cursor or if the row set is not too large returning the columns in pl/sql tables (single dimension arrays). You can find examples in the pl/sql manual. Your ability to use these techniques depend on the tool you are using on the front-end as not all third-party tools support reference cursors.

Example code taken from the Application Developer’s Guide:


  TYPE emp_val_cv_type IS REF CURSOR RETURN emp%ROWTYPE;

  PROCEDURE open_emp_cv (emp_cv      IN OUT emp_val_cv_type,
                         dept_number     IN INTEGER); 
  PROCEDURE fetch_emp_data (emp_cv       IN emp_val_cv_type,
                            emp_row     OUT emp%ROWTYPE);
END emp_data;


  PROCEDURE open_emp_cv (emp_cv      IN OUT emp_val_cv_type,
                         dept_number     IN INTEGER) IS
    OPEN emp_cv FOR SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = dept_number;   END open_emp_cv;
  PROCEDURE fetch_emp_data (emp_cv       IN emp_val_cv_type,
                            emp_row     OUT emp%ROWTYPE) IS
    FETCH emp_cv INTO emp_row;
  END fetch_emp_data;
END emp_data;

You can then reference the cursor using code similar to the code on the next page.

-- declare a cursor variable
  emp_curs emp_data.emp_val_cv_type;

  dept_number dept.deptno%TYPE;
  emp_row emp%ROWTYPE;

  dept_number := 20;

  • open the cursor using a variable emp_data.open_emp_cv(emp_curs, dept_number);
  • fetch the data and display it LOOP emp_data.fetch_emp_data(emp_curs, emp_row); EXIT WHEN emp_curs%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT(emp_row.ename || ' '); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(emp_row.sal); END LOOP; END;
Reference cursors are also available in sql*plus.
  • The VARIABLE command now has a REFCURSOR clause.

    New syntax: VAR[IABLE] [variable {NUMBER|CHAR|CHAR (n)|VARCHAR2 (n)|


    The REFCURSOR clause creates a variable of type REFCURSOR.


    SQL*Plus REFCURSOR bind variables may be used to reference PL/SQL     2.2 Cursor Variables allowing PL/SQL output to be formatted by     SQL*Plus. Refer to the PL/SQL 2.2 documentation for more     information about PL/SQL REF CURSOR cursor variables.

    create or replace package body name_pck is

      procedure get_ednames (maxdeptno in number, a in out ecurtype) as
        open a for
          select   ename, dname
            from   emp, dept
           where   emp.deptno = dept.deptno
             and   emp.deptno = maxdeptno
          order by ename;

    SQL> variable b refcursor;
    SQL> column ename heading Name
    SQL> column dname heading Department
    SQL> execute name_pck.get_ednames(30, :b)

       PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

       Name        Department
       ---------- --------------
       ALLEN       SALES
       BLAKE       SALES
       JAMES       SALES
       MARTIN      SALES
       TURNER      SALES
       WARD        SALES

  • Mark D. Powell --
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Received on Mon Mar 26 2001 - 16:15:26 CEST

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