Prompting for input during a process?

From: Eric Givler <>
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 2001 17:57:52 GMT
Message-ID: <AKgf6.4141$>

[Quoted] I'm using Developer 6i to write a form. During a process, a [cancellation] button is pressed. At this point, it means, the current record's status_code column should be set to CANCELED. Also during this process, it looks at payment history and then how to refund the customer. There are a number of alerts that come up during this process, and near th end, if the person's SSN is not on file, an alert is displayed that says that this must be entered prior to proceeding. Unfortunately, at this point, they are practically at the LAST STEP.

How could the user be prompted along the way to enter this SSN? There's another screen in the system that allows person profile updating, but if I ask them to go there once the cancellation is in progress (even after the msg showed up), then my calling form has been updated and they get a "calling form has unposted changes" when they try to save the profile record/SSN in the other screen.

I guess I could add an SSN window and canvas with an [ok] and [cancel] button on it, and I assume this MUST BE part of the block that contains the status_code field, right? Otherwise, I can't leave that block because it is [Quoted] not VALID.

Is there a cleaner solution to this? I have a NUMBER (and I mean 4-5 canvases/windows) that popup during this process already that require additional data entry and I hate to keep adding items to this block. It just looks SO UNWIELDY and UNMAINTAINABLE.

Again, any suggestions would be Great, and thanks for all your help!! Received on Sun Feb 04 2001 - 18:57:52 CET

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