Spaces after value in a CHAR(10) item

From: PERRET <>
Date: 26 Jan 2001 13:18:09 GMT
Message-ID: <Xns9035915698299jperretfreesurffr_at_193.252.19.141>


[Quoted] I got a DB column (CHAR(10)) and want to get her value on a variable. I tried a cursor, and a "select <my_column> into <my_variable> ...", but I [Quoted] always get my value plus spaces completing to 10. Sample : if my value is "0001" i get "0001 " !!!
[Quoted] How can I retrive my value WITHOUT the spaces ??

Thanks by advance,

Jerome Received on Fri Jan 26 2001 - 14:18:09 CET

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