Join of 4 tables

From: <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 12:51:18 GMT
Message-ID: <94hac5$d1s$>


[Quoted]   I have the following SQL query

SELECT S.start_date, B.item_id, B.category, B.vendor, B.subclass,   B.class, B.department,C.location_id, C.region, C.national_code,   A.quantity
FROM (i_item_hierarchy B cross join i_location_hierarchy C   cross join i_bucket_spec S )
  left outer join i_demand_forecast_itm_loc A ON A.start_date = S.start_date
WHERE B.item_id = A.item_id AND C.location_id = A.location_id AND   ( rtrim(B.item_id) = 'ITEM002001' AND rtrim(C.location_id) = 'FIE209')   AND S.start_date IN (to_date('01/01/2000'),to_date('02/01/2000'),   to_date('03/01/2000') )
GROUP BY B.item_id,C.location_id,B.category, B.vendor, B.subclass,   B.class, B.department, C.region, C.national_code, S.start_date,   A.quantity;

Here as I mentioned I want a cartesian product of tables B, C and S joined as Left Outer Join with the table A. But the syntax I specified is not supported in Oracle. Can somebody tell me the equivalent statement using Oracle supported syntax.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Sent via Received on Mon Jan 22 2001 - 13:51:18 CET

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