Database Trigger

From: Arin Brost <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 02:55:27 GMT
Message-ID: <zEt86.6933$>

The Oracle documentation makes the following statement regarding the use of database triggers:

--You can use triggers in a number of ways to customize information management in an Oracle database. For example, triggers are commonly used to
+provide sophisticated auditing
+prevent invalid transactions
+enforce referential integrity (either those actions not +supported by
declarative integrity constraints or across +nodes in a distributed database)
+enforce complex business rules
+enforce complex security authorizations
+provide transparent event logging
+automatically generate derived column values

I am trying to develop a trigger that creates an index on a table that is dynamically created (with a constant name) and dropped within a program. Since the program drops and recreates the table (it's a temporary work table) each time the process is run, any index I create as static will be dropped along with the table. It is part of an ERP system program so I don't have the ability to modify the program code to create the index. The table desparately needs an index. I assume based on the documentation that optimization is not a wide-spread for triggers, but I'd appreciate any insight. Knowing the name of the temporary table in advance, does anyone know a way to tell Oracle to create an index when the table is created by the program?


Arin Received on Mon Jan 15 2001 - 03:55:27 CET

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