Re: Problem with PL/SQL code - Please help.

From: DanHW <>
Date: 07 Dec 2000 06:06:15 GMT
Message-ID: <>

>Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong.
>It seems to fail where the asterisk is. I'm new so forgive my ignorance.
>All I want to do is populate a display item with a company name
>corresponding with an id in the same table.
>The BILLTOCOID is a foreign key to COID, both in the COMPANYDIR table.
>Is there an easier way to do this??
>This is in the WHEN_NEW_RECORD_INSTANCE trigger of the CompanyDir datablock.
> v_BillToCoid number(8);
> v_BillToName Varchar2(30);
> v_BillToCoid := :CompanyDir.billcoid;
> if v_BillToCoid is not null then
> select :CompanyDir.CoName *
> into v_BillToName
> from CompanyDir
> where CompanyDir.BillTocoid = CompanyDir.coid;
> end if;
> if v_BillToName is not null then
> :CompanyDir.BillCoName := v_BillToName;
> End if

> select :CompanyDir.CoName *
> into v_BillToName

should be

      select CompanyDir.CoName 
      into :v_BillToName

Dan HW Received on Thu Dec 07 2000 - 07:06:15 CET

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