Re: Table Sizing Estimation

From: David Fitzjarrell <>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 16:54:32 GMT
Message-ID: <8uh983$7i8$>

In our last gripping episode Mark D Powell <> wrote:
> In article <>,
> Rayfil Cheung <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > How I estimate the table sizing when certain no. of rows are
> > Thanks.
> >
> There are several ways to do this. Here is a fairly quick formula.
> Abbreviations
> AVIL = Available space in block to hold rows
> OBS = Oracle block size
> RS = Row size
> Ovhd = Fixed plus variable block overhead
> TBR = Total blocks required
> Expected size = (( RS * number of rows) / AVIL ) * OBS) / K or M
> where K = 1024 and M = 1048576
> Figure RS as
> for varchar2 expected number of characters for column
> for number 1 + floor(num digits / 2) + 1
> for date use 7
> + 1 byte per column in row
> + 3 byte row overhead per row
> Figure number of bytes for block as
> pctfree = decimal value of pctfree parameter * OBS
> The variable area is mostly made up of 23 bytes per initran area and 2
> bytes per row for the row table entry. For 1 to 4 initrans I have
> calculated row overhead of 86 to 156 bytes so I just use a constant
> this value. Try 113 to start.
> Figure AVIL as OBS - ovhd - pctfree
> Total bytes = number of expected rows * RS
> TBR = Total Bytes / AVIL
> Expected Size = TBR * OBS / 1024 [for K]
> This is one way and it is fairly quick and works pretty well. The
> formula can be improved by adjusting the variable area size for the
> number of initrans and for the number of expected rows in the block,
> but using a constant works well for us.
> --
> Mark D. Powell -- The only advice that counts is the advice that
> you follow so follow your own advice --
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Maybe this package will help you:

rem "$Header: /usr/users/davidf/tuning/tables/RCS/table_size.sql,v 1.1 2000/03/24 15:56:27 davidf Exp $"

PROCEDURE table_size( owner_name_p VARCHAR2,-- schema of the table
                      table_name_p VARCHAR2,-- table name
                      table_rows_p NUMBER   -- estimated number of rows



PROCEDURE table_size( owner_name_p VARCHAR2,-- schema of the table
                      table_name_p VARCHAR2,-- table name
                      table_rows_p NUMBER   -- number of rows in table

 CURSOR columns_cur IS

        SELECT column_name,
        FROM sys.dba_tab_columns
        WHERE table_name = table_name_p
        AND   owner      = owner_name_p;

 DEBUG BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- set TRUE if you want to know what the procedure is doing

 col_tmp_v NUMBER := 0;          -- size of the column
 col_1_v NUMBER   := 0;          -- columns with size < 250
 col_250_v NUMBER := 0;          -- columns with size >= 250
 col_type_v sys.dba_tab_columns.data_type%TYPE; -- column type
 x INTEGER := 0;
 t INTEGER := 0;

 y INTEGER := 0;
 z NUMBER := 0;
 cursor_v INTEGER;              -- cursor variable
 block_size_v INTEGER := 0;     -- block size
 pct_free_v INTEGER := 0.10;    -- pct_free of the table
 ignore_v INTEGER;              -- for cursor
 err_v VARCHAR2(200);           -- error number
 num_v INTEGER;                 -- error number
 row_size_v NUMBER(12,2);       -- size of a row
 table_size_v NUMBER(20,2);     -- size of the table
 vsizestmt_v VARCHAR2(2000);    -- sql-clause
 grade_v VARCHAR2(10) := 'K';   -- grade (bytes,Kilobytes,Megabytes)
 colname_v sys.dba_tab_columns.column_name%TYPE; -- column_name


  • PCTFREE --- select NVL(pct_free/100,0.10) into pct_free_v from sys.dba_tables WHERE table_name = table_name_p AND owner = owner_name_p;
  • BLOCK_SIZE select value into block_size_v from sys.v_$parameter where name='db_block_size';
  • sql-clause begins
  • this clause will calculate the size of of each row in bytes

  vsizestmt_v := 'SELECT AVG(';
  OPEN columns_cur;

          FETCH columns_cur INTO colname_v,col_type_v,col_tmp_v;
          EXIT WHEN columns_cur%NOTFOUND;
          IF col_tmp_v >= 250 THEN
               col_250_v := col_250_v + 1;
               col_1_v := col_1_v + 1;
          end if;
          col_tmp_v := 0;

          IF DEBUG THEN
               dbms_output.put(colname_v||' c1 '||col_1_v||'
c2 '||col_250_v);
          END IF;

          vsizestmt_v := vsizestmt_v||'NVL(VSIZE('||colname_v||'),0)+1
     END LOOP;

  CLOSE columns_cur;
  • get rid of the last '+' vsizestmt_v := substr(vsizestmt_v,1,(length(vsizestmt_v)-1));
  • end of the sql-clause vsizestmt_v := vsizestmt_v||') AVERAGE_ROW_SIZE FROM '||owner_name_p||'.'||table_name_p;
    • execute the sql-clause cursor_v := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR; DBMS_SQL.PARSE(cursor_v,vsizestmt_v,1); DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN(cursor_v,1,row_size_v); ignore_v := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(cursor_v); IF DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(cursor_v)>0 THEN DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(cursor_v,1,row_size_v); END IF; DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR(cursor_v);
    • row size row_size_v := row_size_v + 3 + col_1_v + (3 * col_250_v);
    • block row count (x) x := block_size_v/row_size_v; t := x;
    • round x down to the nearest integer y := block_size_v -((block_size_v -(52+(4*x))) * pct_free_v);

   dbms_output.put('x:'||x||' y:'||y||' z:'||row_size_v);    dbms_output.new_line;

  • validate y >= x*z WHILE y < t * row_size_v LOOP t := t - 1; END LOOP;
  • calculate the size of the table table_size_v := table_rows_p / x * block_size_v;
  • if table is empty IF table_size_v is null then grade_v := '0 rows?'; table_size_v := -1; ELSE
  • choose the grade
  • IF table_size > 1048576 THEN table_size_v := table_size_v / 1048576; grade_v := 'M';
  • ELSE IF table_size > 1024 THEN
  • table_size := table_size/1024;
  • grade := 'K';
  • Show the result dbms_output.put_line('Table Name Est. Rows Est. Size'); dbms_output.put_line('------------------------- ------------ ---------- ----'); dbms_output.put_line(rpad(table_name_p,25)||' '|| lpad(table_rows_p,12)||' '|| lpad(to_char(table_size_v,'99999990D99'),12) ||' '||grade_v);
    • exceptions ------------------------------------------- --- EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN err_v := SQLERRM; num_v := SQLCODE; dbms_output.put_line(num_v); dbms_output.put_line(err_v); END; -- end of the procedure table_size END; -- end of the package size /

I use this to estimate table size based upon the number of rows expected. It does quite well with the estimates.

David Fitzjarrell
Oracle Certified DBA

Sent via
Before you buy.
Received on Fri Nov 10 2000 - 17:54:32 CET

Original text of this message