Re: SQL question

From: nijlpaard <>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 09:06:31 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Andrew Pahomov has written in <3a09750c$>...
> Nijlpaard wrote
>> Using inline views solves this problem quite easy. Although we're not
>> to order in inline views before Oracle 8 we can distinguish the top 3
>> salaried people by using nested inline views and the group by function.
>> The first inline view is used for distinguishing the best salary
>> for each department. In the second inline view we select the second best
>> salary (top2_sal); in the third inline view we select the third best
>> (top3_sal). By comparing the salaries with these inline views we get the
>> desired result without using explicit ordering, rownums or functions.
>> The statement below wil answer your question!
>> Good luck,
>> Nellie
>Well, thats fine, but if nedeed to select top 2000 and more employers.
>That will be query with 2000 or more inline views;)

You're completely right and fortunately that was not the problem "" had to solve ;-)

But in Oracle 7 we're not able to use the order by clause in inline views, so we had to find another solution. Two options left; using a function or nested inline views. Using a function in a select statement is rather expensive when a lot of rows are returned. So in this case I'd prefer the nested inline views solution which is less data dependend. Received on Thu Nov 09 2000 - 10:06:31 CET

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