Installing Forms 6i error - 'path_too_long_prompt'

From: David <>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 12:48:35 +0200
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] I'm trying to install Forms 6i from Oracle bundle : Oracle Froms and Reports Release 6i for Microsoft Windows NT but I received this message :

path.vrf(86): Unbound variable'path_too_long_prompt'

I don't have Windows NT but Windows 98.
Could it be the problem ?
Should Oracle software for Windows NT run on Windows 98 or they sent me a wrong bundle and I need bundle for Windows 98 ? I need to install only Forms and Reports and installing Reports finished without any problems.


David Received on Fri Oct 06 2000 - 12:48:35 CEST

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