Designer 6 error cdi-11306 How to respond?

From: Mike Dwyer <dwyermj_at_co,>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 15:43:33 -0600
Message-ID: <o3Ut5.84$>

[Quoted] In Designer 6, I am trying to add a table to an existing database, in a schema that was just generated with Designer. The new table has a foreign key that relates it to one of the previously-created tables.

When the DDL scripts are being generated, I receive error "CDI-11306 Warning: Foreign Key 'PD_GL_DETAIL_FK' not processed because dependent table [Quoted] 'FIN_GL_DETAILS' not processed or does not exist in target database." Cause: [Quoted] Object processing depends on another object. Action: Re-capture / re-generate both objects. For generation, if generation of foreign keys is required without generating the target table, then set Server Generator User [Quoted] Preference FK Generation needs to 'one end'.

A search of the help files does not turn up any other reference to the phrases "one end' or "FK Generation" except this error message.

I have been able to display a preferences palette with the title bar
"Generator Preferences: Foreign Key - FIN_PAYROLL.PD_GL_DETAIL_FK," so I
seem to be on the right track. However, there is nothing in that palette that resembles "FK Generation needs ... 'one end'." There is one entry (?) in the main window (?) of the palette that shows a crow's foot and the text,
[Quoted] "There are no Server Generator preferences for Foreign Key -
FIN_PAYROLL.PD_GL_DETAIL_FK." I am at a loss. I know (suppose) I can regenerate the DETAILS table, but it [Quoted] also has similar foreign keys; I would essentially have to rebuild the entire database. This workaround will not be applicable once there is data in the tables, so I really need to know the right way to generate an incremental table.

TIA Received on Thu Sep 07 2000 - 23:43:33 CEST

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