stupid sqlplus problem: compute both avg and sum

From: <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 15:48:35 GMT
Message-ID: <8o64ga$rmh$>

[Quoted] How can I compute, using SQLPLUS, both the *sum* and the *average* of a column?

[Quoted] [Quoted] This seems like pretty basic functionality, but I found: [Quoted] [Quoted] 1) I couldn't get both sums and averages to work on a column 2) the sqlplus manual says "if multiple COMPUTE commands reference the [Quoted] [Quoted] same column in the ON clause, only the last COMPUTE command applies."

[Quoted] For the record, I tried:

[Quoted]    compute sum label Total of nbr_logins on report    compute avg label Avg of nbr_logins avg_min_on_site total_min_on_site on report

SQLPLUS would average the "nbr_logins" field, but not summarize it.

[Quoted] How can I get past this limitation?


bill milbratz
chicago IL usa

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Before you buy. Received on Fri Aug 25 2000 - 17:48:35 CEST

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