Getting 'No changes to Save' After Commit in Forms?

From: Amanda Zaborowski <>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 11:36:37 -0400
Message-ID: <8o3dml$rf6$>

[Quoted] [Quoted] I have developed a form to insert info into a is inserting the [Quoted] data into the table just fine (when I do a select in SQLPlus, all data is [Quoted] there), with a procedure that selects from a table, then inserts this data, [Quoted] along with data that the user has entered, into another table. [Quoted] Unfortunately, it seems, after the commit in the procedure, Oracle tries to [Quoted] do another save, and I end up getting the error 'FRM-40401 - No changes to [Quoted] save.' Also, if I include an error checking statement in the form [Quoted] (:ERR_MSG_DISPLAY := SQLCODE), it not only gives me the error above, but [Quoted] then goes further, and gives the generic message 'Unable to INSERT'....

[Quoted] I hope this is clear, and that someone could tell me how to get rid of whatever Oracle is doing in the background to cause these messages. I had [Quoted] asked an instructor about this previously, in a Developer class, and his [Quoted] answer was 'Don't worry about that message.' If I had only known the problems this would cause!!!

Thanks so much in advance - I am at my wits end!

Amanda Received on Thu Aug 24 2000 - 17:36:37 CEST

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