Re: Can you select from a PL/SQL table (Collections in Oracle 8)

From: Thomas J. Kyte <>
Date: 2000/06/13
Message-ID: <8i5egp$v1q$>

In article <>,   Paul Arscott <> wrote:
> Paul Arscott wrote:
> > Does anyone know if you select from a PL/SQL table (called
> > in Oracle 8)?
> >
> > ie
> > TYPE testtype IS TABLE OF testtable%ROWTYPE
> > mytest testtype;
> >
> > ......populate mytest.
> >
> > select * from mytest;
> >
> > END;
> >
> > Paul
> > p.s. Im using oracle 7.3.4
> Please reply to

In a manner of speaking -- yes, sort of. In Oracle8.0 and up this is trivial. In 7.x you can but it takes a bit of work.

In Oracle8.0 it looks like this:

create or replace type myTableType as table of varchar2(64); /

create or replace
function demo_proc2( p_rows_to_make_up in number ) return myTableType

    l_data myTableType := myTableType(); begin

    for i in 1 .. p_rows_to_make_up

        l_data(i) := 'Made up row ' || i;
    end loop;
    return l_data;

select *
  from the ( select cast( demo_proc2(5) as mytableType )

               from dual );

we create a SQL type -- and then we can SELECT from that sql (either a function that returns that type as above OR from a local variable of that type in plsql directly)

Here is an example I have for a "dbms_output" replacement that gets around some limits of dbms_output. It works in 7.3 and uses SQL to "query" a plsql table. You could sort it, where on it and so on.

use a plsql table type and a select -- write your own dbms_output (that has no 1,000,000 byte limit and limits the linesize to 2000 bytes/4000 bytes in Oracle7/8, not 255). I tested this in 7.3.4 and it works well. it would look like this:

tkyte_at_ORA734.WORLD> create or replace package my_dbms_output   2 as

  3      procedure put( s in varchar2 );
  4      procedure put_line( s in varchar2 );
  5      procedure new_line;
  6      function get_line( n in number ) return varchar2;
  7      pragma restrict_references( get_line, wnds, rnds );
  8      function get_line_count return number;
  9      pragma restrict_references( get_line_count, wnds, rnds,
wnps );
 10 pragma restrict_references( my_dbms_output, wnds, rnds, wnps, rnps );
 11 end;
 12 /

Package created.

thats our interface, much like the existing dbms_output (but no disable/enable -- this is always enabled). We implement the package body as such:

tkyte_at_ORA734.WORLD> create or replace package body my_dbms_output
  2 as
  3 type Array is table of varchar2(4000) index by

  4  g_data        array;
  5  g_cnt        number default 1;
  6      procedure put( s in varchar2 )
  7      is
  8      begin
  9          if ( g_data.last is not null ) then
 10              g_data(g_data.last) := g_data(g_data.last) ||
 11          else
 12              g_data(1) := s;
 13          end if;
 14      end;
 15      procedure put_line( s in varchar2 )
 16      is
 17      begin
 18          put( s );
 19          g_data(g_data.last+1) := null;
 20      end;
 21      procedure new_line
 22      is
 23      begin
 24          put( null );
 25          g_data(g_data.last+1) := null;
 26      end;
 27      function get_line( n in number ) return varchar2
 28      is
 29          l_str varchar2(4000) default g_data(n);
 30      begin
 31          g_data.delete(n);
 32          return l_str;
 33      end;
 34      function get_line_count return number
 35      is
 36      begin
 37          return g_data.count+1;
 38      end;

 39 end;
 40 /

Package body created.

The reason we use the pragmas on the get_line and get_line_count is so we can "select * from PLSQL_TABLE" to print the data (we don't want to use dbms_output to print for obvious reasons ;)

We can create a view on a table with lots of rows (all_objects is typically good with 1,000 or more rows in most cases) as such:

tkyte_at_ORA734.WORLD> create or replace view my_dbms_output_view   2 as
  3 select rownum lineno, my_dbms_output.get_line( rownum ) text
  4 from all_objects
  5 where rownum < ( select my_dbms_output.get_line_count from dual );

View created.

That view will

  • find the number of lines to print from my_dbms_output.get_line_count
  • invoke the get_line procedure with rownum for each line of output we generated

To test it and see how it works, we:

tkyte_at_ORA734.WORLD> begin

  2      my_dbms_output.put_line( 'Hello World' );
  3      my_dbms_output.put_line( '    hi there' );
  4      my_dbms_output.put( 'This is one line on many ' );
  5      my_dbms_output.put( ' calls to put,' );
  6      my_dbms_output.put( ' just to see it working' );
  7      my_dbms_output.new_line;
  8      my_dbms_output.put( 'end of data...' );
  9 end;
 10 /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

tkyte_at_ORA734.WORLD> select * from my_dbms_output_view;


         1 Hello World
         2     hi there
         3 This is one line on many  calls to put, just to see
it working
         4 end of data...

tkyte_at_ORA734.WORLD> select * from my_dbms_output_view; no rows selected

So, after we run the block, we have to select * from the view (or just select TEXT from the view to get the data we really want to dump -- you would "set heading off, set pagesize 10000, set feedback off, spool somefile, select text from view" to capture the output). The very next time we try to select * from the view -- its empty (it empties itself as it fetches)

Another test -- to show that after getting empty it works again:

tkyte_at_ORA734.WORLD> begin
  2 for x in ( select rpad( ' ', rownum, ' ' ) || username data from all_users where rownum < 11 )

  3      loop
  4          my_dbms_output.put_line( );
  5      end loop;

  6 end;
  7 /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

tkyte_at_ORA734.WORLD> select * from my_dbms_output_view;


---------- --------------------------------------------------
         1  SYS
         2   SYSTEM
         3    DBSNMP
         4     SCOTT
         5      TKYTE
         6       USERA
         7        USERB

8 rows selected.


(this little trick has other uses -- you can now select * from plsql_table in other places knowing this. Have you ever wanted a variable length in list? eg: select * from T where x in ( "some string of variables, how many you don't know until run time" ) )

Thomas Kyte ( Oracle Service Industries
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Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corp

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Received on Tue Jun 13 2000 - 00:00:00 CEST

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