How to define self-referential query for TreeControl? (DAC JDeveloper 3.0)

From: Dennis Virt <>
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 03:16:10 +0400
Message-ID: <8brhrn$nbl$>

Dear All,

Simple thing - I have a table which has a foreign key that points into that very same table. The primary key column is FormId, foreign key that refers to parent item is (sure thing) ParentId. I use the following for node definitions:
treeFORMS.setNodeDefinitions(new String[][] {{"infobus:/oracle/Session1/_rsForms","FormId","Name","FormId","ParentId"}}) ;

        treeFORMS.setSelfReferential(true); I also tried variations in 2nd and 5th parameters. Every time I either get only the first level of the hierarchy or all of the items listed in top level nodes.
Sorry for asking simple questions, but I am out of ideas.

Thanks for any comment or advice.

Dennis Received on Wed Mar 29 2000 - 01:16:10 CEST

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