WebDB: URGENT!!! listener and different DBs

From: <carlogol_at_my-deja.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 16:12:34 GMT
Message-ID: <83dndd$tso$1_at_nnrp1.deja.com>

[Quoted] Hi, everybody.

I have WebDB installed on a SUN workstation running Solaris 2.7., and Oracle 8.1.5 (8i)

listener configuration:
Global Settings
Default Database Access Descriptor: SVI

Database Access Descriptor Settings
Database Access Descriptor Name: WebDB
Oracle User Name:
Oracle Password:
Oracle Connect String: SVI
Maximum Number of Worker Threads: 4
Keep DB Connection Open between Requests? yes Default (home) Page: WebDB.home
Document Table: WebDB.wwv_document
Document Access Path: docs
Document Access Procedure: WebDB.wwv_testdoc.process_download

When I connect using the Url "http://myserver:myport/webdb" I am connected to the instance "SVI".

Of course I can use dblinks to see remote DB objects.

But is there any way to use configure the listener (and/or tnsnames,...) in order to be able to connect to different DB instances?

I looked at the manual, but I couldn't find any explanation.

Can anybody put some light on it?

Hope it was clear... Thanks in advance,
Carlo (cgoldoni_at_etnoteam.it)

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Before you buy. Received on Fri Dec 17 1999 - 17:12:34 CET

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