Using ORA_FFI to interface a Win32 API

From: <>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 23:55:17 GMT
Message-ID: <834113$11a$>

Could someone give me an example of the syntax needed to interface the following Win32 API from ORA_FFI? In particular, I need help determining which ORA_FFI type matches the fAttach parameter of BOOL type below?

Thanks in advance,
Mike S.

The AttachThreadInput function attaches the input processing mechanism of one thread to that of another thread.

BOOL AttachThreadInput(

  DWORD idAttach,    // thread to attach
  DWORD idAttachTo,  // thread to attach to
  BOOL fAttach       // attach or detach


[in] Specifies the identifier of the thread to be attached to another
thread. The thread to be attached cannot be a system thread.

[in] Specifies the identifier of the thread to be attached to. This
thread cannot be a system thread.
A thread cannot attach to itself. Therefore, idAttachTo cannot equal idAttach.

[in] Specifies whether to attach or detach the threads. If this
parameter is TRUE, the two threads are attached. If the parameter is FALSE, the threads are detached.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the function fails, the return value is zero. There is no extended error information; do not call GetLastError.

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Before you buy. Received on Tue Dec 14 1999 - 00:55:17 CET

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