catastrophic Error while using MTS vs. Oracle

From: Christina <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 17:03:55 +0100
Message-ID: <80hdu7$onj$>

I'm using VB6.0 to create a class that has to run in MTS with the MDAC 2.1 ADO. Also installed is the Oracle Services for MTS. Now I wrote a function that opens the Oracle 8i db and creates a recordset etc.... the function does work fine without mts. the function works also fine when it's included in MTS BUT on the last statement (after context.setComplete)
'Exit Function' I've got an Visual Basic runtime error
'Catastrophic error ' and the transaction is not Completed. Here the
Any ideas or sugestions?
Anyway thx for all tips.

Public Function gblnCreateRecordSQLXML1(ByVal xmlDOMDoc As DOMDocument) As Boolean
'##RD if the function was finished successfully true, otherwise false
'##PD cnDBConnection represents an initialized ORADATABASE object
'##PD vrecExecuted represents an initialized ORADYNASET object containing
the data
'##PD vsSqlCmd Contains the SQL Statement to open the recordset
'##PD vlngRecCount contains the Number of records returned (not yet
supported from ADODB?)

   On Error GoTo err_gblnCreateRecordSQLXML

   moclsDataError.psSourceProc = "gblnExecuteSQL"    moclsDataError.psSourceClass = "clsDBSelect"

   Dim ob As New clsDatabase
   Dim xmlElement As IXMLDOMElement
   Dim sFilePath As String
   Dim intFieldCount As Long
   Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
   Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

   Dim ctxMTS As ObjectContext
   Set ctxMTS = GetObjectContext()

   Call ob.gblnOpenConnection(cn, "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;User ID=BLA;Password=BLA;Data Source=jjj", 15, adUseClient)

   MsgBox "openconnection"

   Call ob.gblnOpenRecordset(cn, rst, "Select * from PMuser", adOpenDynamic, adLockBatchOptimistic, adUseClient, adCmdText)

   MsgBox "rec"


   mlngNumofRows = rst.RecordCount
   mlngNumofFields = rst.Fields.Count

   If Not ob.gblnCloseRecordset(rst) Then Err.Raise MYERR

      MsgBox "closed rec"

   If Not ob.gblnCloseConnection(cn) Then Err.Raise MYERR

      MsgBox "closed cnn"

   If Not ctxMTS Is Nothing Then ctxMTS.SetComplete

      MsgBox "complet"

gblnCreateRecordSQLXML1 = True

MsgBox "jjjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

   Exit Function

  If Err.Number = 94 Then Resume Next
MsgBox Err.Description & Err.Number
  Resume Next
   If Not ctxMTS Is Nothing Then ctxMTS.SetAbort

End Function Received on Fri Nov 12 1999 - 17:03:55 CET

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