Re: windows and canvases

From: Breno de Avellar Gomes <>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 19:38:05 +0100
Message-ID: <>

If you are using the same window for both canvases?

Brian Howard wrote:

> help! I have a form (form A) with a maximized console and a maximized
> window. I have a button on this form with a trigger which issues a
> 'open_form' command to a second form (form B). This form (form B) when
> opened by itself opens normal size 300x300; however, when I open it with the
> button, it blocks out my underlying form (form A) and takes up the entire
> screen. I need it to open on top of the underlying form (form A) in a normal
> size window. Form A is a tabbed canvas. Form B was a content canvas but it
> tried switching it to a stacked canvas but this did not solve the problem. I
> have used set_windows_property on form A to window_state mazimized and on
> form B to normal but this doesn't seem to help. HELP!

Breno de Avellar Gomes
Database Applications & Internet Developer

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Received on Wed Oct 20 1999 - 20:38:05 CEST

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