Re: OAS 4.0.7/Oracle 8i/Sol 2.7 connectivity problems

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: Sun, 05 Sep 1999 09:50:25 -0400
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] A copy of this was sent to Henry Katz <> (if that email address didn't require changing) On Sun, 05 Sep 1999 09:45:55 -0400, you wrote:

>Is OAS 4.0.7 supported on 8i? I am unable to get connectivity from OAS
>4.0.7 to 8i using any connect string that
>works for me with sqlplus on 8i. My installation consists of 2 separate
>non-OFA trees using different user ids
>both belonging to dba. I can construct a DAD using the ORACLE_SID but
>not using my connect string.
>I've tried setting TNS_ADMIN to point to the admin directory of the 8i
>tree but this doesn't work unless
>I point ORACLE_HOME to 8i as well and not to OAS 4.0.7. I am thus unable
>to install the PL/SQL toolkit.
>Has anyone got this working?

when configuring the DAD, the ORACLE_HOME should be the oracle home of OAS4.x -- not 8i.

[Quoted] you need to setup the tnsnames.ora file in the OAS4 network/admin directory with the tns entry for the 8i instance. before using the gui tool to configure a DAD, you can test the setup using the OAS4's svrmgrl (use the OAS4's svrmgrl, you'll get a warning message on startup since OAS4 doesn't have a local database but you will be able to:

SVRMGR> connect scott/tiger_at_oracle8idatabase

to test the setup.

once that is going, you will be able to setup the DAD using the OAS4 oracle home and the tns string you just setup.

>Will Summarize.
>Henry Katz
>ISCS, Inc

See for my columns 'Digging-in to Oracle8i'...
[Quoted] Current article is "Part I of V, Autonomous Transactions" updated June 21'st
Thomas Kyte         
Oracle Service Industries     Reston, VA   USA

Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation
Received on Sun Sep 05 1999 - 15:50:25 CEST

Original text of this message