Re: Java stored procedure from Oracle - Help!

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 13:37:35 GMT
Message-ID: <>

A copy of this was sent to David Hull <> (if that email address didn't require changing) On Tue, 31 Aug 1999 15:47:52 -0500, you wrote:

>We are looking for anyone who has experience calling a Java program from
>within a stored procedure in Oracle. We've created a Java random number
>generator, but due to constraints with a tool that would need to load
>these numbers, we are required to do it through a stored procedure. We
>are really down to the wire on this. It needs to be done and tested by
>Friday. Thanks!

Well its pretty straight forward.

Typically you'll use loadjava to load the compiled code into the database. for example:

$ javac
$ loadjava -user utils/utils -verbose random.class

That puts the code into the database. Then, you create the bindings to the java. For example, some of mine are:

create or replace package pkg_name

    function connect_to( p_hostname in varchar2,

                         p_portno   in  number ) return number
    as language java
    name 'jsock.java_connect_to( java.lang.String, int ) return int';

    procedure send( p_sock in number, p_data in raw )     as language java
    name 'jsock.java_send_data( int, byte[] )';


That makes it so I can call a procedure java_connect_to in the jsock class as a stored procedure now by invoking pkg_name.connect_to().

OTOH -- there is a builtin package dbms_random. you could use that instead. to install it connnect as INTERNAL and run the following:

SVRMGR> connect internal

SVRMGR> _at_dbmsoctk
SVRMGR> _at_prvtoctk.plb
SVRMGR> _at_dbmsrand

OTOH -- if you want to do it yourself and can use plsql, you can use the following:

create or replace package random

        pragma restrict_references( random, WNDS, RNPS );

        procedure srand( new_seed in number );

	function rand return number;
	pragma restrict_references( rand, WNDS  );

	procedure get_rand( r OUT number );

	function rand_max( n IN number ) return number;
	pragma restrict_references( rand_max, WNDS);

	procedure get_rand_max( r OUT number, n IN number );

end random;

create or replace package body random

	multiplier	constant number         := 22695477;
	increment	constant number        	:= 1;
	"2^32"		constant number			:= 2 ** 32;
	"2^16"		constant number         := 2 ** 16;
	"0x7fff"	constant number         := 32767;
	Seed		number := 1;
	procedure srand( new_seed in number ) 
		Seed := new_seed;
	end srand;
	function rand return number
		seed := mod( multiplier * seed + increment, "2^32" );
		return bitand( seed/"2^16", "0x7fff" );
	end rand;
	procedure get_rand( r OUT number ) 
		r := rand;
	end get_rand;
	function rand_max( n IN number ) return number 
		return mod( rand, n ) + 1;
	end rand_max;
	procedure get_rand_max( r OUT number, n IN number ) 
		r := rand_max( n );
	end get_rand_max;
	select userenv( 'SESSIONID' ) into seed from dual;
end random;

See for my columns 'Digging-in to Oracle8i'...
Current article is "Part I of V, Autonomous Transactions" updated June 21'st
Thomas Kyte         
Oracle Service Industries     Reston, VA   USA

Opinions are mine and do not necessarily reflect those of Oracle Corporation
Received on Wed Sep 01 1999 - 15:37:35 CEST

Original text of this message