PREVIOUS_FIELD loses focus on web

From: Solar User <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 12:15:50 -0700
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] We are moving an Oracle Forms 5.0 app to the web. It doesn't look like the built-in PREVIOUS_FIELD works the same from client/server to the web. For example, there is a button on the canvas to move to the previous field. In client/server, when the button is pressed and you move to the previous field it is highlighted and visibly clear that is where the focus is. On the web, when you click the button you lose the cursor completely. It doesn't appear that any field on the canvas has the focus. Has anyone experienced that? Is there something additional that needs to be coded to get this to work on the web, or does it just not work the same? After you click the button, you have to click on the

field to really get the focus there.

Also, does anyone know of any info out there that talks about what works

and what doesn't moving from client/server to the web or issues moving existing apps to the web?

Thanks. Received on Fri Jun 25 1999 - 21:15:50 CEST

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