ERWin creates table when it should alter table

From: <>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 21:30:16 GMT
Message-ID: <7g7ul8$tia$>

In ERWin, I reverse-engineer a fairly complex database. Add some columns to a table. Alter database. It stops at an error "create table XXX... Error: that table already exists". But I simply add columns to it and wish to see "alter table add mycolumn".

To troubleshoot, I create a new schema, a ERWin model with one table of 0 or 1 column. Forward-engineer OK. Then reverse-engineer. Add one column. Alter database. This time it "alter table add column" as expected.

What could I have done wrong when I worked on the real-life complicated database? When I worked on that, indeed I also added some foreign key constraints but these FK-added columns are on other tables (because the relationship line is drawn *from* the problem table *to* those tables).

Thanks for help.


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