Forms 4.5 using OLE2 ->Word97, Outlook97/98, MS Exchange

From: <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 16:34:01 GMT
Message-ID: <7dqudo$nl3$>

Please help ....getting desparate now.. (return to

I have a form that generates via a file with html flags. I want to open this in Word97 and print it, as word will automatically interpretes the html formatting. (Can use ole2 to open word document .doc and print BUT if the extension is .html the document doesn't print (see code below)

As above but this time need to mail the document via Outlook97/98 -> Exchange

As above but need FAX the document either via RightFax or MS Exchange.

I need to offer this functionality via ole not ora_ffi or dde, any help greatly appreciated.

Alternatively can anyone convert this VB to something OLE !!?

:     Option Explicit     Private Sub Command1_Click()
       Dim objSession As Object       Dim objMessage As Object
       Dim objRecipient As Object       'Create the Session Object
       Set objSession = CreateObject("mapi.session")

'Logon using the session object
'Specify a valid profile name if you want to
'Avoid the logon dialog box
objSession.Logon profileName:="MS Exchange Settings"
'Add a new message object to the OutBox
Set objMessage = objSession.Outbox.Messages.Add
'Set the properties of the message object
objMessage.subject = "This is a test." objMessage.Text = "This is the message text."
'Add a recipient object to the objMessage.Recipients collection
Set objRecipient = objMessage.Recipients.Add
'Set the properties of the recipient object
objRecipient.Name = "John Doe" '<---Replace this with a valid 'display name or e-mail alias objRecipient.Type = mapiTo objRecipient.Resolve
'Send the message objMessage.Send showDialog:=False
MsgBox "Message sent successfully!"
'Logoff using the session object objSession.Logoff End Sub

Oracle Program Unit

PROCEDURE comms_concepts IS
 This is development code ONLY, I know it's poor but  it is only here to prove a concept..... cam 26.03.99 */


   ole_application 	ole2.obj_type;
   ole_document		ole2.obj_type;
   ole_args 		ole2.list_type;

   l_in_file  		TEXT_IO.FILE_TYPE;
   l_linebuf   		VARCHAR2(255);
   l_method		VARCHAR2(20):='OLE';		--hard coded to test
each method either OLE or ORA_FFI
   errcode		NUMBER := ERROR_CODE;
   dbmserrcode		NUMBER;
   dbmserrtext		VARCHAR2(255);

 BEGIN if l_method='OLE' then --use OLE AUTOMATION nb. not compatible with WORD95, only works with Word97 due to diff object model/word.basic

  if :cg$ctrl.cmm_code = 'SGML' then --(name gets shortened to 3digit extension)

     **** PRINTING *****

     * This is hardcoded stuff at the moment for testing purposes only

   -- Create the Word.Application and make it visible
      ole_application:= ole2.create_obj('Word.Application');

   -- Get a handle on the documents collection
      ole_document := ole2.get_obj_property(ole_application, 'Documents');

   -- What word file to open
      ole_args:= ole2.create_arglist;
       --message('file '|| 'q:

\in.sgm\agee\'||:global.eas$mnt_id||:global.eas$mtn_seq_no||'.'||substr (:cg$ctrl.cmm_code,1,3));

  /* This won't work need to use .htm extension therefore requires changes to database tables such as update EAS_COMMUNICATION_TEMPLATES replace SGML with HTML, need also to migrate SGML to HTML flag settings problem being SGML is hardcoded is eas$iface package and library routines MAYBE quicker / dirty but just rename the file from .sgm to .htm so that word interpretes it correctly

       ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'q:
\in.sgm\agee\'||:global.eas$mnt_id||:global.eas$mtn_seq_no||'.'||substr (:cg$ctrl.cmm_code,1,3));


       --ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'q:

        ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'e:\temp\test1.doc');
        -- Open Word document specified in the argument list
        ole_document := ole2.invoke_obj(ole_document, 'Open', ole_args);

   --Print the Word document, nb. all arguements optional

	  ole_args:= ole2.create_arglist;	  ole2.add_arg(ole_args,
'True');		       --Background	 ole2.add_arg(ole_args,
'False');		       --Append 	 ole2.add_arg(ole_args,
'wdPrintAllDocument'); --Range --
ntS election	  ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'False');		       
--OutputFileName	  ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'null');		     
  --From    ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'null');			  --To	   
ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'wdPrintDocumentContent');     --Item --
nme nts,wdPrintProperties,wdPrintStyles.	   ole2.add_arg(ole_args,
'1');		       --Copies 	 ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'null');     
		 --Pages	   ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'wdPrintAllPages');
	   --PageType --
ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'False');		      --PrintToFile    
ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'True'); 		      --Collate        
ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'null'); 		      --FileName       
ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'null'); 		      -- ActivePrinterMacGX  
  ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'null');			-- ManualDuplexPrint

          --ole2.invoke(ole_application, 'PrintOut');
	  ole2.invoke(ole_application, 'PrintOut', ole_args);

  elsif :cg$ctrl.cmm_code = 'MGW' then

     ****  MAILING  ****

   -- Create the Word.Application and make it visible
      ole_application:= ole2.create_obj('Word.Application');

   -- Get a handle on the documents collection
      ole_document := ole2.get_obj_property(ole_application, 'Documents');

   -- What word file to open
      ole_args:= ole2.create_arglist;

  /* * This is hardcoded stuff at the moment for testing purposes only */ message('file '|| 'q:
\in.mgw\agee\'||:global.eas$mnt_id||:global.eas$mtn_seq_no||'.'||:cg$ctrl.cmm _co de); ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'q:
\in.mgw\agee\'||:global.eas$mnt_id||:global.eas$mtn_seq_no||'.'||:cg$ctrl.cmm _co de); -- Open Word document specified in the argument list ole_document := ole2.invoke_obj(ole_document, 'Open', ole_args); ole2.destroy_arglist(ole_args);

   --Mail the Word document

	  ole_args:= ole2.create_arglist;
	    --ole2.add_arg(ole_args, '?');			--Item
	     ole2.invoke(ole_application, 'SendMail');
	     --ole2.invoke(ole_application, 'SendMail', ole_args);

  elsif :cg$ctrl.cmm_code = 'FAX' then

  /* **** FAX ***** */ message('file '|| 'q: \in.mgw\agee\'||:global.eas$mnt_id||:global.eas$mtn_seq_no||'.'||:cg$ctrl.cmm _co de); ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'q:
\in.fax\agee\'||:global.eas$mnt_id||:global.eas$mtn_seq_no||'.'||:cg$ctrl.cmm _co de); -- Open Word document specified in the argument list ole_document := ole2.invoke_obj(ole_document, 'Open', ole_args); ole2.destroy_arglist(ole_args);

   --Fax the Word document

	  ole_args:= ole2.create_arglist;
	    ole2.add_arg(ole_args, '01865843967');			--fax
	    ole2.add_arg(ole_args, 'EASE TEST FAX'||to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-
YYYY HH24:MI'));			--subject line <=255 characters
	     --ole2.invoke(ole_application, 'SendFax');
	     ole2.invoke(ole_application, 'SendFax', ole_args);

     **** SOMETHING ELSE !!!  should never happen *****

    message('ERROR - :cg$ctrl.cmm_code ='||:cg$ctrl.cmm_code);   end if;

  --Release the OLE objects

else --must be using mapi.dll and intermediate datatype .dll


end if;
  when others then
   dbmserrcode :=DBMS_ERROR_CODE;
   dbmserrtext :=DBMS_ERROR_TEXT;
   message(to_char(dbmserrcode)||' - '||dbmserrtext);

END; -----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own Received on Tue Mar 30 1999 - 18:34:01 CEST

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