For GURU : SQL*Forms with Telnet Linux

From: Pascal Bey <>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 12:01:56 +0200
Message-ID: <>


I have configured a xterm session with vt220 Keys on an Linux OS ! I start a telnet on an Unix machine !
TERM=vt220 in the Unix session !
My Keys vt220 looks good in this session until I start SQL*Forms or RUN*Forms (3.0 or 4.5).
with a "runform30 -c vt220:vt220 test", i start my forms (wich works well with a telnet in windows)
then my Keys are modified !
Befor I enter in SQL*FORMS the Key F1 give me ^[OP, F2 give me ^[OQ, ... as well, because it's the right Keys mapping for vt220 !

I start runform, then F1 give me ~1, F2 give me ~2, ... and the forms don't work !
But If I try the escape sequence manually, Esc + O + P, the forms react as if I press the correct F1 Key.

I know the Oracle terminal define a vt220.r for v.3.0 and a fmrcvt220.res for v4.5
and that he change the key-mapping for each different device. But my device is defined vt220 in TERM and ORACLE_TERM !

so, why does it change my keys anyway !!! Thanks a lot for the guru who will find the solution !

Pascal Bey Received on Mon Mar 29 1999 - 12:01:56 CEST

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