forms 5.0 and datetime-field

From: Tuomas Hosia <>
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 14:54:15 GMT
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] I've a datetime-field with formatting DD.MM.RRR HH24.MI and respecting date-field in table.

If user writes something to the field, the date is correctly recorded to database ( 8.0.4 on NT if it matters). Same thing if I use default value $$DATETIME$$.

The problem arises when I try to put something in that field in pre-update or pre-insert trigger.

select sysdate into :field
from dual;

inserts just date and time-portion is 0. If I try to convert sysdate into character string first, I get an error which states that date-string is too long.

Confusing, as the format string used in conversion is exactly the same as field's format string.

Any ideas?

Post-update trigger with sql-statement update table blaa blaa works, but it's too bound to block and base table to be good solution. (As I have about 60 tables in this application.)


-- Hosia) DoD#1684   \ On paljon hauskempi olla pakanana,
Lappeenranta University of Technology \ ei tarvitse koskaan olla vakavana.
Kotisivu:   \      -o Eppu Normaali o-
Received on Sun Mar 28 1999 - 16:54:15 CEST

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