Re: Y2K and Forms 4.5

From: Alan Stephenson <>
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 10:29:26 -0800
Message-ID: <>

We encountered the same problem. Forms 4.5 is Y2K compliant, but there is one flaw. If you have a field that does not have defined input mask (ie. DD-MON-YY) the default will be DD-MON-YY. Oracle did tell me there is a setting for the platform I am using to force the default to be DD-MON-RR, but we did not have any luck. The reason I was given was the version of PL/SQL was not Y2K.

My fix? I made sure any date a user was going to put in be masked to DD-MON-RR. That way, it seems no difference in behavior for the users. Any date that is entered using the SYSDATE function works fine since we are masking the entire DD-MON-YYYY.

This mask will also help in Reports 2.5. The only drawback using the DD-MON-RR format is when we get to 2049! But hopefully all the systems will be better than!

-Alan Stephenson Received on Fri Feb 05 1999 - 19:29:26 CET

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