Help with poplists please!!!!

From: Jaime F. Bermudez <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 08:31:55 GMT
Message-ID: <7914ds$c7u$>

I am desperately in need of some help with poplists. I have a couple of poplist in a form which I want to populate in the following way:
1)The first one, in the when-new-form-instance global trigger. 2)The second one, in the when-list-changed trigger of the first list.

For some reason, it lets me populate both lists at the same time, but I am no able to populate the second one when the first one has a value selected. The error message I get is the following:

FRM-41331 Could not delete element from List2.

To populate the list I am doing a Clear_List, Populate_Group, and then a Populate_List.

The queries for the groups are as follow: Group1: Select field1, field1 from tableX order by 1 Group2: Select field2, field2 from tableX order by 1 Both field are varchar fields.

Does anybody have an ideal what the cause of the problem is?

One last thing, I would like to use the selected value of the first list in the where clause of the second group. How can I do that?? I have tried ... where field1 = :FormName.Field1... but it didnt work.

I will really appreciate any help, thanks in advance.

Jaime F. Bermudez

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