Re: PL/SQL procedure question

From: fredericks <>
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 00:48:20 -0500
Message-ID: <>

You can also make a one cursor procedure that can do what you want...
Put the two table join cursor in a procedure. 
The procedure needs parameters of parent_id in mode, level# in out mode.
The cursor needs to select all the children for a given parent (you can also specify in level ordering if you need it ).  The other tables should be joined(or outer joined if appropriate) .
The procedure body should increment the level on entry by one.
Use a cursor for loop to retrieve each child for the specified parent.
In the loop the child should should be listed (dbms_output.put_line) with the correct LPAD indent.
After listing the child, the procedure should call itself recursively using the current child_id and level as the parameters.  The recursive call will continue "walking down the hierarchy" like the SQL connect by clause does.
End the for loop.
Decrement the level by one before procedure exit.
Start by listing the root without indenting external to the procedure, then call the procedure with the root_id and 0 as parameters.
This recursive call procedure can overcome two major limitations of the Oracle Connect by clause..
-- Multiple tables can be joined
-- Any ordering can be specified within each level by the order by clause in the cursor, without disturbing the sequencing required for correct indenting of the hierarchy.
Jason Pepper wrote in message <>...
You will need to create a temporary summary table that contains the primary column , the foreign key column and the data column as a minimum then use a treewalk to produce the report you want.

Like this..

SQL> create table documents (pid number, cid number, doc_name varchar2(50));

SQL> /

       PID        CID DOC_NAME
---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
        -1            Root element
         1         -1 Little Women
         2          1 Dr Dolittle
         3          1 20000 Leagues under the Sea
         4         -1 Ian Botham - My Autobiography
         5          4 Oracle made Easy !
         6         -1 Using Linux
         7          6 Teach yourself Java
         8          6 Oracle Performance Tuning
         9          6 Oracle DBA Survival Guide
        10          6 Oracle CDM Handbook

11 rows selected.

SQL> get 1
  1  select lpad(' ',4*(level-1))||doc_name Document
  2  from documents
  3  connect by prior pid=cid
  4* start with pid = -1

SQL> _at_1

Root element
    Little Women
        Dr Dolittle
        20000 Leagues under the Sea
    Ian Botham - My Autobiography
        Oracle made Easy !
    Using Linux
        Teach yourself Java
        Oracle Performance Tuning
        Oracle DBA Survival Guide
        Oracle CDM Handbook

11 rows selected. wrote:

I need to write a PL/SQL procedure that will produce an indented output based
on a child/parent relationship:  Two tables involved a master table that
stores documents doc_no is PK and  a child/parent table that stores the
associated docs for a given doc_no. The report needs to explode up to 15
levels. So for the doc_no passed to the procedure, I need the direct
descendants and each of its child records up to 15 levels. I want to
establish the levels and report them in an indented format Any ideas?--I set
up 15 cursors and looped through but I am not getting the results I need

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| Jason Pepper |
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|   ... look out Bill, the Penguin is coming      |
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Received on Sun Jan 24 1999 - 06:48:20 CET

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