Lookup fields in Dev2k

From: <jaroslaw.c.pyszkiewicz_at_europe.eds.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 19:21:03 GMT
Message-ID: <77g7b7$ef6$1_at_nnrp2.dejanews.com>

[Quoted] This is design question. Trivial I persume (from beginner) I have column in table containing code. This code is described in look-up table. Now, how to present this field on form in a way similar to lookup combo box in Ms Access. [Quoted] I'd like to be able to present this code in detail block in master- detail section (this is other relationship than with lookup). I'd like also to be able to keep this code in tabular block (detail section) without loosing any [Quoted] functionality (insert/update/delete) and without much programming. Someone told me that this kind of presentation requires programming on form. Comparing to MsAccess where it is possible without coding any events, looks very cumbersome. Do I really have to create hidden fields and program dozen of events ?

TIA, Jarek

ps. Please reply on mail. I'm not using news very often.

Jarek Pyszkiewicz, EDS Ireland

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