Re: Extract Stored Procs & Function Code Regularly

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 21:11:03 GMT
Message-ID: <3680b927.1695037_at_192.86.155.100>

A copy of this was sent to Tom D <> (if that email address didn't require changing) On Mon, 21 Dec 1998 15:44:58 -0800, you wrote:

>I would greatly appreciate if anyone knows of a way either through
>PL/SQL Code or utility that I could extract the PL/SQL of an existing
>database. For instance on a nightly basis I would like to extract the
>DDL's of all the stored procs and functions on a given Oracle Instance.
>I do not want to use the Oracle Backup procedures as this will backup
>the data and code. I just want to extract the code. In SYBASE I could
>simply write T-SQL to read the system tables and extract the DDL
>necessary. I am assuming I could do the Same with Oracle, however I am
>not as familiar with the Oracle system tables. And I believe that
>someone has already figured this one OUT.
>Thanks For ANY Help.

Well, the code is in the table *_SOURCE (all_source, user_source, dba_source) and is quite easy to read out. Perhaps though the easiest way to get the code out and somewhere else might be to exp with rows=n, this will get all of the DDL to recreate your entire instance (procedures, views, tables, indexes, constraints, etc...)  

Thomas Kyte
Oracle Service Industries
Reston, VA USA

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