Re: stupid newbbie question

From: Daniel Clamage <>
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 22:42:14 -0000
Message-ID: <>

The only stupid question is the one you didn't ask because you were afraid.

You can also use explicit cursors to avoid leaping to the nearest exception handler.
  cursor dept_c(Cdeptno dept.deptno%type) is     select *
    from dept
    where deptno = Cdeptno;
  dept_rec dept_c%rowtype;
  open dept_c(10);
  fetch dept_c into dept_rec;
  if (dept_c%notfound) then -- do your no_data_found error handling here     ...
  end if;
  close dept_c;

You will find that using implicit cursors (select into) for single-row lookups is faster than the above method. Be sure to encapsulate an implicit cursor in its own block. This is especially true for DML statements. open some_cursor;
  fetch some_cursor into some_rec;
  exit when some_cursor%notfound;
    update some_other_table
    set some_column = some_rec.some_similar_column     where some_key = some_rec.some_similar_key;   exception
  when others then
    null; -- do your exception handling here   end;
end loop;
This localizes any exceptions to a suitable spot within the loop. Processing the data set can continue unhindered by the error when trying to update.

- Dan Clamage
If you haven't crashed the Server,
you haven't been trying hard enough.
Kent Eilers wrote in message <>...

>I writing some PL/SQL procedures and functions and have come up against
>a problem whenever a query returns no rows (ala the ORA-01403: no data
>found error message). I've looked in three books to get a strategy on
>dealing with this and have come up with zilch.
>Basically I do not want to go to an exception handler when this
>happens. I thought I had escaped this drainhole by first running a
>query to dump the count(*) into a local variable. But this still
>triggers the 1403 error.
>What do all you PL/SQL pro's do? My (rather limited) understanding of
>the exception handler is you cannot 'on error resume....' so how do deal
>with this?
>Any response greatly appreciated!
Received on Tue Dec 08 1998 - 23:42:14 CET

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