Re: Difference Between Dates

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 17:14:47 GMT
Message-ID: <3601a010.5736408_at_192.86.155.100>

A copy of this was sent to (if that email address didn't require changing) On Tue, 15 Sep 1998 16:38:05 GMT, you wrote:

>I am wondering how I figure out the difference between 2 dates.
>For example: (I really need the amount or hours or minutes)
>05-AUG-1998 10:50:00 and 06-AUG-1998 23:56:00
>Simply subtracting them produces some unusual results.
>Thanks in advance
>-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==-----
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you can get either TOTAL (days, hours, minutes, seconds) between 2 dates simply by subtracting them or with a little mod'ing you can get Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds between.

To get the hours between 2 times, simply:

select ( date1 - date2 ) * 24 from T;

thats the number of hours (including the fractional component of an hour so you might get something like 3.1232253 meaning 3 hours and 1/12'th of an hour.

To break the diff between 2 dates into days, hours, minutes, sec -- you can use the following:

select to_char( created, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ),

       trunc( sysdate-created ) "Dy",
       trunc( mod( (sysdate-created)*24, 24 ) )  "Hr",
       trunc( mod( (sysdate-created)*24*60, 60 ) )  "Mi",
 trunc( mod( to_char(sysdate,'SSSSS')-to_char(created,'SSSSS'), 60 ) ) "Sec",
       to_char( sysdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ),
       sysdate-created "Tdy",
       (sysdate-created)*24 "Thr",
       (sysdate-created)*26*60 "Tmi",
       (sysdate-created)*26*60*60 "Tsec"
from all_users
where rownum < 50

Dy gives you number of days between 2 dates (partial days discarded). Tdy gives you total days including fractions (eg: you'll get 1.5 for 1 and 1/2 days)

Hr/Thr = hours
Mi/Tmi = minutes
Sec/Tsec = seconds...  

Thomas Kyte
Oracle Government
Herndon VA

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Received on Tue Sep 15 1998 - 19:14:47 CEST

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