Visualizing the explain plan

From: Marc Scheuner <>
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 14:39:40 GMT
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] We're currently doing some extensive performance tuning on our Delphi applications running against an Oracle RDBMS in the background.

One thing we keep stumbling across is the fact that the explain plan output with the indentations is a bit difficult to grasp at once, especially for a bit more demanding statements.

Is there a tool around that would either take the SQL statement or the explain plan in standard Oracle format and turn it into a graphical [Quoted] [Quoted] representation? Any takers?.......


Marc Scheuner                            Berner Versicherungen, Dept. ISV
                                         Laupenstrasse 27                  CH-3001 BERNE, Switzerland

Received on Mon Jun 08 1998 - 16:39:40 CEST

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