otx and resparse and otgen

From: Lisa Tassoni <tassonl_at_ircm.umontreal.ca>
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 20:10:20 GMT
Message-ID: <3575ADAB.8D066D94_at_ircm.umontreal.ca>

Hello everyone,
I converted using otx, a forms3 resource file. In this file, there were key bindings such as : Esc *K (Show Keys) and
                       ^1     (Background Menu 1)
Also, in the termdef of a device: backspace was defined as ^H.

I modified these and put : Esc K instead of Esc *K,

                           control+1 instead of ^1
                           \\177     instead of ^H
                also, I put in the termdef of the device: \\044 (delete)

where \\177 was already defined.

I defined the 6 logicals at the deviceclass= charmode level: ToolkitEnabled

and deleted the definitions for those logicals at the device level, under
the charmode level.

Then, I resparse23 prn_file

otgen23 fmrcvt100ircm6.res upgrd100 sqlforms runform otgen23 -l fmrcvt100ircm6.res upgrd100 tk2 tk2

(I have only the Windows version of OracleTerminal).

When I runform45 form / term=vt100ircm6:upgrd100

I get The first line only of the form with strange characters displayed.

Help! Thanks in advance,
LT Received on Wed Jun 03 1998 - 22:10:20 CEST

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