Year 2000 Compliance Issue with Forms 3.0 and SQR ver. 3

From: Travis D. Potter <>
Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 23:16:05 -0500
Message-ID: <6j3a7g$daq$>

I'm working with Oracle 7 along with Forms 3.0 and SQR version 3, of which neither support the DD-MON-RR format mask as suggested by the Oracle White Papers. However, I've created a package procedure that I can call the has the following code:

create or replace package y2kdate as
procedure conversion (p_date in out date); end;

create or replace package body y2kdate as procedure conversion (p_date in out date) is   tempdate varchar2(20);
  tempdate := to_char(p_date,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS);   p_date := to_date(tempdate,'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS); end;

I include the hour/minute/second timestamp just incase the application is time sensitive.

I can then call the procedure from any application by just "y2kdate.conversion(<date_variable>)".

My latest thought is, why can't I just create a pre-insert and pre-update database trigger that calls this package procedure for each table/column with a date format column in the database schema I'm trying to make Y2K compliant?

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this wouldn't work?

Travis. Received on Sun May 10 1998 - 06:16:05 CEST

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