Re: Help on SQL

From: Prasad Chavali <>
Date: 4 May 1998 10:57:00 -0700
Message-ID: <6ikvhc$>

This is answer for part1

SQL> select * from test1;

    SITNO NAME                                     CATEGORY
--------- ---------------------------------------- --------------
      500 Mahesh                                   UNIX

SQL> insert into test1
  2 select max(sitno)+1, 'Menon', 'DOS' from test1;

1 row created.

SQL> select * from test1;

    SITNO NAME                                     CATEGORY
--------- ---------------------------------------- --------------
      500 Mahesh                                   UNIX
      501 Menon                                    DOS

This is for part2
SQL> alter table test1 add mylong long;

Table altered.

SQL> desc test1;

 Name                            Null?    Type
 ------------------------------- -------- ----
 SITNO                                    NUMBER
 NAME                                     VARCHAR2(40)
 CATEGORY                                 VARCHAR2(30)
 MYLONG                                   LONG

SQL> insert into test1(sitno, name, category) values   2 (502, 'NEW', 'SQL'); 1 row created.

Ofcourse, I was assuming you are not trying to put values into the LONG field. Then you may have to define cursor and use PL/SQL.

HTH Prasad Chavali

Mahesh Menon wrote in message <6ikpns$>...
> a couple of SQL related queries from an SQL 'moron'.
> ---
> consider the following table which contains
> the following tuple:
> ---------------------------------------
> 500 Mahesh UNIX
> i'd like to add another tuple with name = 'MENON'
> and category = 'DOS'. the sitno field should be
> generated automatically and should be MAX(SITNO) + 1.
> can this be done using a single SQL statement
> with or without the use of temporary tables.
> ---
> how do i insert tuples into a table containing a
> 'long' field using SQL*PLUS.
>mahesh "clueless" menon
Received on Mon May 04 1998 - 19:57:00 CEST

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