OO4O with PL/SQL stored procedure exmaple -- Need Help!!

From: Kap Do Jang <kapdo_at_Glue.umd.edu>
Date: 1998/02/05
Message-ID: <6bd288$bd_at_segfault.isr.umd.edu>#1/1

[Quoted] Hi, I have a problem with OO4OLE calling a PL/SQL stored procedure example in an online document.
I made a package "employee" as in an example like this:

package Employee as
 type NUMARRAY is table of NUMBER index by BINARY_INTEGER; --Define EMPNOS ar
 type VCHAR2ARRAY is table of VARCHAR2(10) index by BINARY_INTEGER; --Define
ENAMES array
 cursor c1 is select * from emp;
 type empCur is ref cursor return c1%rowtype;  PROCEDURE GetEmpData(indeptno IN NUMBER, EmpCursor IN OUT empCur);  PROCEDURE GetEmpNamesInArray (ArraySize IN INTEGER, inEmpnos IN NUMARRAY, outEm
[Quoted]  PROCEDURE GetEmpName (inEmpno IN NUMBER, outEmpName OUT VARCHAR2);  FUNCTION GetEmpSal (inEmpno IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; end Employee;

package body Employee as



PROCEDURE GetEmpData(indeptno IN NUMBER, EmpCursor IN OUT empCur) is BEGIN
  open EmpCursor for

        select * from emp where deptno = indeptno; END; end employee;

and in my source code(VC++ 5.0) I called it like this:

    m_database.Open("dbname", "login/password", 0);     OParameterCollection params = m_database.GetParameters();     params.Add("DEPTNO", 20, OPARAMETER_INVAR, OTYPE_NUMBER);

    if (m_dynaset.PlsqlOpen(m_database,

                "Begin Employee.GetEmpData (:DEPTNO, :p_cursor); end;",
[Quoted]                 ODYNASET_DEFAULT))
                char buf[256];
                sprintf(buf, "%s",m_dynaset.GetErrorText());


I have an error message saying:

    "Output data binding error, ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number"

I don't know much about oracle PL/SQL, OO4O and even VC++, so it's not easy
for me to see what makes this problem. I'm running VC++ 5.0 in NT with Oracle 7.3.

Do I have to do something with p_cursor? Where this one declared with what type?

Would you tell me what I missed in here? Appreciate your help.


Kap Jang
kapdo_at_isr.umd.edu Received on Thu Feb 05 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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