Reports3.0 deriving a column

From: Derek Licciardi <>
Date: 1998/01/30
Message-ID: <6atu0l$>#1/1

[Quoted] I am running a report and I would like to add a derived column from another table. I need to add a phone number to the report based on the store_id. The phone number comes from the storedet table. If the phone number is not found then I need to replace it with 'Phone Unknown'. Oh yeah and finally, the phone number is a composite field of '('||areacode||')'||phonenum||'x0000'. I keep getting a REP-1401 Fatal PL*SQL error when I try to run the form. I created a formula column to accomplish this and added the following code to the PL*SQL formula:

function CF_telephone_nbrFormula return Char is   v_store_phone char(18);
  select '('||areacode||')'||phonenum||'x0000' into v_store_phone     from toolkit20.storedet
    where storenum = :store_id;
  if SQL%NOTFOUND then
    v_store_phone := 'Phone Unknown';
  end if;
  return (v_store_phone);

Can someone please tell me where I am going wrong. Can't seem to get rid of the error.

Derek Licciardi Received on Fri Jan 30 1998 - 00:00:00 CET

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