Calling DLL's from Forms32

From: (wrong string) øren M. Olesen <>
Date: 1997/04/15
Message-ID: <>#1/1


How do I call a 32-bit windows DLL from forms ??

The DLL is defined as (Example from VB40) :

BSTR UpperCaseByRef(BSTR *pbstrOriginal) {

    BSTR bstrUpperCase;
    int i;
    int cbOriginalLen;
    LPSTR strSrcByRef, strDst;

          cbOriginalLen = SysStringByteLen(*pbstrOriginal);

    bstrUpperCase = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, cbOriginalLen);

    strSrcByRef = (LPSTR)*pbstrOriginal;     strDst = (LPSTR)bstrUpperCase;

    for(i=0; i<=cbOriginalLen; i++)

        *strDst++ = toupper(*strSrcByRef++);

    SysReAllocString (pbstrOriginal, (BSTR)"Good Bye");

    return bstrUpperCase;

I've tried the following:




It seems that my dll is getting called, but on return it crash.

Thanks in advance

	Soren M. Olesen
	Stibo Datagraphics Inc.
Received on Tue Apr 15 1997 - 00:00:00 CEST

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