Indirectly referencing variables in PL/SQL 2.3

From: Vladimir Stipetic <>
Date: 1997/01/11
Message-ID: <>#1/1

[Quoted] I have a question concerning indirectly referencing variables in PL/SQL 2.3 (such as forms built-in function NAME_IN). Or is it possible to make the same effect with some user defined function.
Thanks in advance,

This is procedure in which I need that:

procedure my_proc (mid number) is
 cursor C_COLUMNS is
 select column_name
   from all_tab_columns
  where table_name = 'ORDER';
 cursor C_VALUE (vid number) is
 select *
   from ORDER
  where id = VID;
 order_r order%rowtype;
 v_value varchar2(240);
 open c_value (mid);
 fetch C_VALUE into order_r;
 close c_value;
 for f in C_COLUMNS loop
  v_value := 'order_r.'||f.column_name;
  dbms_output.put_line(f.column_name||' = '||NAME_IN(v_value));

 end loop;

Vladimir Stipetic Exportdrvo d.d. Oracle Designer Developer Marulicev trg 18 Tel: 385/1/4560-312 10000 Zagreb Fax: 385/1/420-004 CROATIA Email: Europe
Received on Sat Jan 11 1997 - 00:00:00 CET

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