Re: Need some tips on query generating averages on time series data

From: <>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 04:21:30 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <>

Another revised example.
(1) Remove a nested subquery in add_cum cte. (2) Remove some columns in GROUP BY and ORDER BY clause.

 add_cum AS (

, SUM(quantity)

          OVER( PARTITION BY position
                           , direction
                    ORDER BY time
              ) AS cumulative

, NVL(
SUM(quantity) OVER( PARTITION BY position , direction ORDER BY time ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING ) , 0) AS lag_cumul

 FROM trades AS t

, SUM(cumul - lag_cumul) AS qnt
, cumul
, hold_time
, SUM( hold_time * (cumul - lag_cumul) )

                                 AS weighted_hold_time

, NULLIF(GROUPING(cumul) , 0)
* SUM( hold_time * (cumul - lag_cumul) ) / SUM(cumul - lag_cumul) AS weighted_avg_hold_time FROM (SELECT b.time , MAX(s.lag_cumul , b.lag_cumul) AS lag_cumul , MIN(s.cumulative , b.cumulative) AS cumul , s.time - b.time AS hold_time FROM add_cum AS s INNER JOIN add_cum AS b ON s.direction = 'S' AND b.direction = 'B' AND s.cumulative > b.lag_cumul AND b.cumulative > s.lag_cumul ) GROUP BY ROLLUP ( ( time , cumul , hold_time ) ) ORDER BY cumul

; Received on Thu Oct 31 2013 - 12:21:30 CET

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