Re: DBWR performance

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 18:21:42 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 09 May 2012 08:34:38 -0700, andrew.protasov wrote:

> Apparently all results were with deadline scheduler in place. I did this
> before the first test:
> tuned-adm profile enterprise-storage
> and it installed the scheduler.
> Andrew

Tuned is showing a lot of promise, but I don't think it's there yet. I use preload on my Ubuntu laptop and the effects are less than staggering. With a single-purpose machine like a database server, I prefer doing the tuning myself. On such machines, I am turning off the OOM killer by setting vm.overcommit_memory to 1, I usually increase the amount of available free memory by setting min_free_kbytes and swappiness to 60. I don't really trust all those AI tuning daemons when it comes to a single purpose machine. If you have a racing car, then you don't want a tuning daemon that will tune it so that the oil lasts for 1000 miles and that tires last for 2 years. You want the car to go as fast as possible and win the race, to heck with the tires and oil. I don't have much faith in the NI (Natural Intelligence) either, much less in the form of intelligence created by the members of the same species as Meg Whitman or Lindsay Lohan.

Received on Sun May 20 2012 - 13:21:42 CDT

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