Re: Materialized View

From: dombrooks <>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 08:52:16 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <31050084.3999.1337269936239.JavaMail.geo-discussion-forums_at_ynbv36>

Can you show the same approach working with a normal table?
  1. I don't see why anyone should ever want to do this whether creating tables or MVs.
  2. If this was going to work you'd need to pass a bind variable, surely. The SQL Engine knows nothing about v_inst_hold_rec.
  3. You can't pass a bind variable because you'd get ORA-01027: bind variables not allowed for data definition operations.

So, I'm very interested to see what you're doing when you say it works with normal tables. Received on Thu May 17 2012 - 10:52:16 CDT

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