Re: throwing exception in parallel pipelined table function

From: Frank Bergemann <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 03:46:10 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>

On Dec 12, 11:56 am, Frank Bergemann <> wrote:
> On Dec 8, 6:42 pm, Frank Bergemann <> wrote:
> > what happens to such?
> > In my application it seems, it is catched by the main thread .
> > But i wonder how this can work if MULTIPLE parallel pipelined table
> > functions raise exception at different location of the code - e.g. for
> > user abort of main session(?!)
> > - many thanks!
> > regards,
> > Frank
> I found it out myself meanwhile
> In case of MULTIPLE parallel sessions started via pipelined table
> functions, there is given a dedicated exception to the main thread:
> ORA-12801: error signaled in parallel query server <string>
> ... instead of the concrete exception(s) raised by the individual
> worker thread(s).
> regards,
> Frank

Here's a test script, if someone wants to reproduce - pls. see below. Just change the oracle hint from
  /*+ parallel(test_input,3) */
  /*+ parallel(test_input,1) */

... to see the difference.


------------------ snip
drop table test_input;

create table test_input (a number);

alter table test_input parallel 3;

create or replace package test_pkg
 type rec is record (
   sid number,
   a number);

 type tab is table of rec;

 type data_cur is ref cursor return rec;

 function tableFunc(
 cur in data_cur)
 return tab pipelined
 parallel_enable(partition cur by any);

 procedure do;

create or replace package body test_pkg
 function tableFunc(
 cur in data_cur)
 return tab pipelined
 parallel_enable(partition cur by any)

  rowdata rec;
  sid number;
   select userenv('SID') into sid from dual;    dbms_output.put_line('hello from worker thread #' || sid);    rowdata.a := 10;
   rowdata.sid := sid;
   pipe row(rowdata);



 procedure do
  data tab;
  sid number;
   sid := userenv('sessionid');
   dbms_output.put_line('hello from main thread #' ||sid);    for i in 1..100 loop
    insert into test_input(a) values(i);   end loop;

   select * bulk collect into data from table(tableFunc    (CURSOR(select /*+ parallel(test_input,3) */ * from test_input)));

   for i in loop

      dbms_output.put_line('got a/sid = ' || data(i).a || '/' || data(i).sid);

   end loop;
 exception when others then
   dbms_output.put_line('!!! Exception:' || SQLERRM);  end;

set serveroutput on
truncate table test_input;

------------------ snap
Received on Mon Dec 12 2011 - 05:46:10 CST

Original text of this message