Re: CLOB Anyone?

From: Gerard H. Pille <>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2010 15:39:23 +0200
Message-ID: <4c7a630a$0$5290$>

John Hurley wrote:
> My recommendation is to separate it out and trace both cases ...
> trying to sort out what is different where. A couple of people
> suggested ( and I do not disagree ... these are just ideas ) that
> maybe there is some bad error handling somewhere in the web app. At
> this point who knows?
> The magnet unfortunately seems to post here without ever really giving
> enough information or the whole picture. Been that way for a while.

When people ask for help, they very rarely provide enough information to allow solving the problem. Many of them are convinced a number of people posess crystal balls. Mine aren't.

Often, when I have to help a colleague, it's enough if he tells me what he wants to do, and how he does it, to see what's wrong, sometimes, just by explaining, he sees it himself. But if the "how" involves quite complex pieces of software, the job becomes harder. Have all layers been installed the way they should, do they contain known bugs, are they being used the way they should?

Following your recommendation is the only way out, but it may be way to hard for "The Magnet", who's probably stuck to some piece of metal. In his second posting in this thread, he's trying to update a table with no rows.

But I've said it before, I'm grateful that's the way it is, or I might be out of a job. Received on Sun Aug 29 2010 - 08:39:23 CDT

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