Re: Incompetent Oracle Support

From: Serge Rielau <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 19:46:47 +0530
Message-ID: <>

Yes it was meant to be a soccer pun.
An did don't see where the discrimination lies.

In clear text:
I was stating that accepting a competitor's API as an industry standard is akin of learning another language.
Adding an API (language) to ones skill set increases ones applicability in the market and does not imply a technical (or cultural) defeat as was alleged.

I'm sure Rolls Royce did not laugh when Ford and other non British companies built their first cars with a steering wheel on the right side.

What this does do is acknowledge that there is a major market using the API and the clear intent to attack that market.

I'm not even going to comment on this old same-code-base chestnut. It's getting truly lame.

As far as "dumping" is concerned I think it implies that you are selling under production cost. Germany has (had?) a similar law. If giving away the initial (as opposed to maintenance!) license of a software product would be illegal then presumably there is no legal mySQL in Australia or Germany?


Serge Rielau
SQL Architect DB2 for LUW
IBM Toronto Lab
Received on Fri Jul 30 2010 - 09:16:47 CDT

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